Friday, October 1, 2010

Dog Training (Backing)

I went out Saturday morning to work the dogs,  I took some chuckers and pigeons and worked Blue Collar Bron on backing and steady to flush exercises.  I used VC Black Canyon Gin as a pointing dog, I took three
launchers out, bought her in and she pointed, since she will hold forever, I just left her there. I then got Blue Collar Bron out and released him from behind a haystack, as he came around the haystack,  he pointed Gin,(honoring) I released the first homer, I blanked it, then again with the second not saying anything just moving in front of both dogs when I got to the traps I released the third bird, this time I shot it,  Gin stayed so I walked back to Bron and gave him the retrieve.  I later ran the dogs though the traps, old scent. I went out and worked Bron with VC Blue Collar Asia on some planted chuckers. Both were steady on all birds and both backed each other.  After that I refilled the tree traps at the exact location, and took two dead chuckers with me.  I brought Bron in, before he could smell the birds I popped them, he stopped to flush on the first and second and then the third, each time I released a pigeon I would fire my shotgun.  Then I took out a dead chucker  threw it a long way out, came in closer and threw a another bird out closer crossing over the path of the first bird.  I then released Bron on the first close bird, when he came in, I brought  him to heel and then sent him for the longer memory mark, he handled both correctly.

Sunday morning I took out the dogs this time all three running together, all were just having fun.  I just wanted a photo shoot.  I wanted the dogs just to run and have a great time.  I wanted to see if I could get a photo of all three on point, not a lot of training just letting the dogs run and come back to me naturally.  I dropped three chuckers down, I did not plant them just set them down,  I made a large circle after taking the dogs to water.  I circled them back towards the birds,  all three birds had moved, but the dogs found them and pointed them.  They remember the training from the day before. I was able to handle all three dogs,  We found all three birds, and the dogs pointed and honored each other.  This was without the aid of e-collars.   It's great to have three trained dogs and hunting season just beginning.    

Blue Collar Duke

Here are some pics of BLUE COLLAR DUKE,  He is out of my D litter out of VC BLUE COLLAR ASIA x VC Heildwolf BENELLI, as it turned out,  because the owner had some conflicts on picking him up, I kept the pup until the pup was just shy of 16 weeks.  Duke went home after the test.  The pup got a lot of my attention, we played games every night.  Because I was running a NAVHDA test  in Sept , I entered him.  Anyway at 3 months I knew he would have a hard time passing the search segment of the test.  He ended up getting a 2 in search but ended up getting a Prz III 93 points.  I was thrilled.  He tracked a pheasant down on the track and pointed it,  he found two chuckers in the field and pointed them  and he also swam.  His scores were:  Pointing 4,  Use of nose 4,  Tracking 4, Search 2 , Water 3,  Desire to work 3,  and Obedience 4.  

I don’t recommend testing this young but I knew the dog would point, swim,  and track.  I ‘m  moving to SD and I had him out there the week before the Utah test , I saw him point and track wild pheasants.