Thursday, April 16, 2020

Inside or outside whats best for a hunting dog.

Before  I retried.  I always kept my dogs outside.  Its just wasn't possible to have them in the house when I was at work.   An old boy told me years ago, inside or outside dogs will do fine but you can't have it both ways, if a dog has to be outside sometimes then always leave it out.  They are better prepared for winter that way.  Make sure dogs have a dry doghouse with good bedding and are out of the wind and they will do fine,  Their bodies adapt to the cold.  You can't bring a dog in at night then put it out in the day and expect it to do well.  Its ok in summer but not in the winter.  They get use to the house heat and their coats don't grow as thick as if they were kept outdoors.   That's why horses grow long hair in the winter, for protection.  Some folks put blankets on their horses, its keeps them warmer and  they don't grow the thick hair for winter protection.  This applies to dogs.